Cowper care is an approved Charity owned and operated by the United Church of Ireland Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough. We are a provider of full care, until the end of life, for people requiring General or Dementia Care. Care, in these categories, is provided mostly for older persons both male and female, some of whom may have been diagnosed with (or develop) dementia and those whose independence has been challenged by a physical or psychological disability.

The care we provide is primarily for those aged over 65 years, and we can offer potential residents accommodation in single en-suite rooms or shared rooms on a single or mixed gender basis.
Respite and convalescent care is provided as part of our desire to support family or primary carers. 24 hour care is provided by qualified nurses and trained care staff with the input of Health and Social Health Care Professionals as necessary. The various inputs required for a resident (including those of allied health services) are specified in the resident’s care plan.
Each care plan is audited for completeness, accuracy and efficacy by the Care Manager.

Dementia Care
We have a Dementia Specific areas in each of our care centres. Staff members working in our dementia specific areas have received additional training relevant to the needs of residents cared for in that area. The dementia area is self-contained with its own dining room, sitting rooms and secure external gardens.